Climate and Culture Surveys
Excellence Advantage offers a wide range of culture and climate surveys to measure employees’ perceptions and the overall organizational environment. Surveys include the Denison Culture Survey and custom surveys tailored to each client and business area. Climate and culture surveys provide robust information on organizational strengths, areas of opportunity, and employee concerns. All climate and culture surveys include survey customization, survey communication campaigns, survey administration, data analysis, detailed graphical results, and extensive custom recommendations and action plans.
“The Excellence Advantage team orchestrated, planned and executed the first workforce survey for my business unit. The team worked closely with senior executives and was open and responsive throughout the process. From the early stages, the Excellence Advantage team was instrumental in planning the survey and designing/scoping it to ensure visible results. They provided thoughtful advice throughout the planning stage, to include suggestions on maximizing response rates as well as addressing concerns from the workforce on anonymity. Once the data was successfully gathered, the Excellence Advantage team undertook a thorough analysis of the quantitative data to identify statistical trends as well as the qualitative data, free text responses, and effectively briefed these results to increasingly broad, and sometimes a touch cynical, segments of my business unit, always providing particular value to discussions. Finally, the team provided additional support to one of my groups, the largest component of my business unit, in facilitating an offsite informed by the survey results to shape the strategic direction for the group and leading initial delivery sessions to the workforce. ”